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Wet vs Dry Macular Degeneration: What’s the Difference?

Wet vs dry macular degeneration: what’s the difference? Let’s begin by stating that both cause visual blurriness, and among those adults over the age of 65, it is the most common cause of irreversible vision loss. It seems knowing the symptoms of age-related macular degeneration and whether one is worse than the other are valuable topics to explore.

What Is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)?

The macula is in an area at the center of the retina at the back of the eye. It provides our central vision and fine detail like faces, the color of someone’s shirt, and letters on a page. It helps us work on the computer, drive, and read.

When AMD happens, the cells under the macula degrade and die. Patients still have peripheral vision, but can’t see objects right in front of them. It may not occur in both eyes at the same time or with the same severity.

What Is Dry AMD?

The dry type of age-related macular degeneration is the most common kind, occurring in 90% of cases. It is less severe than the wet type.

This occurs in three stages:

  • Early Stage: In this early stage a retina specialist can see changes to your macula during a routine exam, but you won’t experience any noticeable symptoms.
  • Mid Stage: Vision begins to be blurry and it may be hard to see in low light.
  • Advanced Stage: At this stage your macula thins and you can lose your central vision. Straight lines may look wavy or crooked.

Many people remain in the early stage and never progress beyond it.

What Are Treatments for Dry AMD?

There are tangible things you can do to slow down the progression of dry AMD.

They include:

  • Taking an eye health multivitamin (ANTI-VEGF) containing Vitamin C and E, copper, zinc, lutein, and zeaxanthin
  • Eating whole foods and healthy fats
  • Wearing sunglasses
  • Avoiding secondhand smoke and smoking

What Is Wet AMD?

This occurs when the body creates abnormal blood vessels under the retina leading to fluid accumulation and bleeding in the macula.

There are no progressive stages with wet AMD, it is immediately advanced.

What Are Treatments for Wet AMD?

Catching the disease very early can help. An injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor can control the new blood vessels and their growth. Consistent and continued injection treatments can preserve your vision and can even improve vision. 

Photodynamic Therapy is for very severe cases. A laser targets the blood vessels and breaks them down.

Regular eye care with Retina Specialists of Tampa is essential even if you don’t notice any changes in your vision or experience symptoms. Catching wet AMD very early allows it to be treated. 

Contact Retina Specialists of Tampa at (813) 973-3333 today for an appointment at our office in Tampa, Wesley Chapel, or Lakeland. You can alternatively request an appointment through our secure online form.

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